z/OS: version Java 5 31-bit SDK: IBM | version Java 6 31-bit SDK: IBMĬannot be redistributed due to licensing restrictions. Be sure to select a whose name includes "linux-i586". Linux 64-bit x86-64: version Java 5 Update 14: Oracle | version Java 6 Update 14: Oracle. Linux 32-bit on x86: version Java 5 Update 14: Oracle | version Java 6 Update 14: Oracle. OpenVMS Itanium: version 5.0-2: HP | version 6.0-1: HP. See the list of Java Development Kits required by supported application servers. Please read the following instructions if an alternative JRE or JDK is intended for use after SAS 9.2 has been installed and configured.Īpplication servers and servlet engines require a full Java Software Development Kit (JDK). The JRE can also be obtained directly from the vendors listed.
Below are the versions of the JRE that are recommended for use with SAS 9.2 (TS2M3) and that will be installed by SAS ® Deployment Wizard, depending on the platform where the installation is occurring. These JREs are provided by Oracle, IBM and HP.
SAS 9.2 Foundation and some SAS 9.2 client applications require the use of a Java Runtime Environment (JRE).