In your computer, ensure you have installed the latest CPS (Computer Programming Software).

Looking for Motorola Astro 20.50.10 CPS for my 800MHZ XTS500. For more details, please refer to Batteries and Chargers in the Radio User Guide. Home Forum home Radio Hardware/Software Motorola Motorola Title Starter Posts Views. Make sure your charger is configured to fit perfectly into your radio battery guides. Motorola Online is, in most cases, not being used anymore to post software. Turn the radio OFF and place it in the drop-in tray charger.It looks like I am able to purchase all software, not just the MOTOTRBO CPS. (I received an e-mail from Motorola.) I went to the Motorola Online website, and everything seems to be working. All other customers should contact their Motorola Solutions Customer Support Manager or the company (Channel Partner) who sold the equipment to get the software listed. Update on the software situation: I was approved on Monday (6/9) for buying the software online.Motorola Solutions Channel Partners can download the files from MyView.It is not possible to download any of the listed packages here. Download now Visit the home page Version: 2.01 (x86/圆4) Date update: File name: businessradiocpsr02.01.zip Size: 103 MB Additional links Download the latest version from the developer's website BusinessRadioCPSR02.01.zip x86/圆4 103MB Latest versions of Business Radio CPS 2. MOTOTRBO Customer Programming Software (CPS) 2.0 is a Radio programming software for dealers and service technicians that configure the MOTOTRBO Radios.Due to space constrains, only the last 10-12 versions are displayed here.